This project aims to help everyone in Male’ stop drinking plastic bottled water and start drinking the city’s tap water – in their homes and via public water fountains.
Fenveshi is helping the Government fulfil its commitment to phase-out single-use plastics, while protecting our beautiful ocean from one of the main sources of national plastic pollution.

So far:
-Designed a survey to gauge public attitudes towards tap water
-Designed a waste audit for households
-Built a project team
Next steps:
-Conducting survey and audit with community to gather data
-Running our own water safety checks

So far:
-Created a strong campaign brand
-Researched suitable fountains and water filters, and negotiated competitive pricing
-Secured funding from Common Seas and Canadian Government
Next steps:
-Establish key partnerships
-Install 3 public water fountains in
footfall areas (to be scaled)
-Install water filters in 25 ‘champion’ households, so we can test, track
and share the impact

So far:
-Designed public information campaign to change perceptions
Next steps:
-Kickstart a national conversation to build confidence in tap water
-Demonstrate project impact to government to enable scaling
-Provide clear, trusted information about water safety and filtration options
-Provide clear, trusted information about water safety and filtration options
As an intervention the project aims to install at least 3 public water filters the potential locations that has been identified are below.
- Next to football association turf ground
- Converging point of Maafannu stadium, Futsal ground and Ekuveni Running Track
- Ekuveni stadium (badminton/basketball area)
- Swimming track
- Artificial beach