Plastic Free July 2019
Plastic Free July is an international campaign that raises awareness on the issue of single use plastic pollution by challenging people to make small changes throughout the month of July and live #plasticFree
We’ve split the challenge into 4 thematic areas.
Find out what you can do and how you can be a part of this challenge!
Week 1 – #ShopPlasticFree
Third we challenge all of you to take what you’ve learned in the past few weeks and #ShopPlasticFree this Third week of July.

Use a reuseable bag for all your shopping needs and refuse any new plastic bags that are given to you.

#Refuse any Fruits and Vegetables wrapped in Plastic Packaging or come prepacked in plastic. Choose fresh produce that loose and explore your options at the local market.

Explore your local supermarkets and corner stores to find products that do not come pre packaged and have plastic free packaging or are packaging free.
Don’t forget to share that with the community.
Week 2 – #RefuseSingleUse
First we challenge all of you to #RefuseSingleUse the first week of July

For the 2nd Week of #PlasticFreeJuly we’ve been working with a few restaurants and cafe’s accross Male’ to become refill stations.
So that anyone with a reuseable bottle can walk into any of these partner outlets and get their bottles refilled.
Together we can #RefuseSingleUse!

Refill your bottle at one of the refill stations or suggest a potential Refill Stations that could be part of the network. Talk to your favorite cafe’ or restaurant to install a water filter system and become part of the network.

Carry your reuseable bottle with you when you dine out and #Refuse the #singleuseplastic water bottle that gets served to you at almost every restaurant or cafe.

Though the theme is #RefuseSingleUse there are occassions when plastics will be unavoidable. We challenge you to intercept and collect those plastics to be handed over to Parley in Week 4. Take a mental note of how much plastic is being used at your household, this will be your benchmark to avoid more plastics in the future.

Share your story on Social Media and share your challenges and limitations with refusing single use products during your #PlasticFreeJuly Challenge.
Use the hashtags #RefuseSingleUse and #ZeroWasteMv and tag @Zerowastemv
Week 3 – #BringYourOwnContainer
Second we challenge all of you to #BringYourOwnContainer for all your take-out needs this second week of July

If you do takeaway, use reuseable containers at the food outlets to get your takeaway. Probably best to try and #BringYourOwnContainer when you plan to go and get hedhika. (Note: this may not apply if you are having food delivered)

Talk to your favorite cafe and restaurant and get them to go #plasticfree. You don’t need to physically be present. You can always reach out to them on their social media platforms.

Call on the government to ban Stryofoam (Expanded Polystyrene) takeway containers and cups.
Reach out to your Member of Parliment, Tweet to them, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade as well as Ministry of Health.
Week 4 – #7Rs
Finally we challenge all of you to apply the 7Rs of ZeroWaste throughout the last week July

By now if you’ve been following #PlasticFreeJuly you would already have refused and reduced a lot of the waste that is generated. Now look at what you could potentially reuse, repair and give new life by repurposing.

Try to collect and keep all the dry waste that is generated in your household and think about and dicuss how you can swap those for zero waste / plastic free alternatives.

As a last step we Challenge you to find the Parley Drop off Point in Maaveyo Magu and find out for yourself how you can intercept and collect any unavoidable plastic that is generated at your household and also drop off the plastics that you’ve collected from Week 2.