#RefuseSingleUse is a campaign to encourage more people to carry their own reusable bottles and refill their bottles instead of buying #singleuseplastic bottles. In Maldives people consume over 350,000 #singleuseplastic bottles DAILY. Over 90% ends up in our oceans, landfills or open burnt on different islands.
We can all make a huge difference just by this one lifestyle change!
Lets work together towards #zerowaste
Partner Refill Stations
Below is a list of all the cafe’s and restaurants that are part of the refill station network.
We hope that more will follow suit and join together in this waste national waste reduction effort.

What are the requirements to be part of the network?
As long as your establishment has a water filter and can provide refills without the use of singleuseplastic you can be a part of the network!
Is this just in Male'?
No this is for the whole country. If you know a potential refill station get them to signup!
What kind of bottles can I refill?
Only reuseable bottles will be refilled at refill stations.
Is this restricted to restaurants and cafes?
No restrictions apply to become a refill station, Guesthouses, Hotels, Shops, Offices any establishment can be a part of the network!
How can I get my refill station on the map?
It’s very simple, just fill in the Signup Form and we’ll add you to the map!
Do I need to pay for a refill?
We left that decision to the refill stations. They can choose to charge for water or not.